
Highly personalized medical care in an environment that uses a collaborative approach.

“I cannot believe the changes that I have seen since going to NaturoMedica!”

At 66 years old, because of seeing my NaturoMedica physician, I have been able to lead a more active lifestyle.  I bike and do outdoor rock climbing.  I used to have joint pain that could be debilitating at times and it is now minimal.  Improved sleep has given me mental clarity and improved energy. Now, the older I get, the more physically active I am becoming.  I don’t see many people at my age that are as active as I am and without pain. I am having so much fun.  I get compliments from my friends, family and neighbors. I cannot believe the changes that I have seen since going to NaturoMedica!

Earl Shimogawa

Bellevue, WA

Highly Personalized Care

Highly Personalized Care with Evidence-Based Natural Medicine

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